
Homework help is out there


The school year can bring new challenges for middle and high school students trying to make sense of their homework, especially after the summer break. 

The Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology provides the free AskRose Homework Help program for students who need extra math and science homework help. 

Tutors are available Sunday through Thursday from 7-10 p.m. for tutoring sessions by video, telephone, email or chat. Tutors can be reached during operating hours via the AskRose website or by calling 877-ASK-ROSE (877-275-7673).

The website also provides more than 500 instructional videos and downloadable reference materials.

For more information about AskRose, click here.

Tutoring grants are also available. Families can receive grant funding to spend on math and English / language arts tutoring and approved out-of-school academic programs for students through Indiana Learns.

Eligible students must qualify for the federal free or reduced lunch program, be in third through eighth grade during the 2023-24 school year, have completed ILEARN testing during the 2022 or 2023 school year, and scored below proficiency in either math or English/language arts.

To check your child's eligibility for, enroll in or learn more about Indiana Learns.

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