
ISP warns against drunk driving on NYE

The message is clear from the Indiana State Police -- if you engage in drunk driving on New Years Eve, they will catch you. 


The ISP and other law enforcement agencies are stepping up patrols on Dec. 31, looking for impaired drivers and aggressive drivers in a hope of ensuring everyone brings in the new year safely. 


According to Indiana State Police Sgt. Matt Ames, there are 28 deaths every day in America caused by intoxicated drivers. 


"If you plan on drinking, ISP wants you to plan accordingly beforehand. Have a designated driver or be prepared to call a cab or other ride provider. If you have to ask yourself is it okay for me to drive, you are not," Ames told The Putnam County Post. 


Anyone caught driving impaired faces around $10,000 in legal fees, increased insurance rates and vehicle impound costs, according to Ames.


"Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Let's bring 2023 in safe and sound. Don't drink and drive," Ames said.

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