Head on out this weekend to the Putnam County Regional Airport located at 1595 Ballard Lane, Greencastle, IN 46135 on September 10-11, 2022. The event starts at 9:00 AM on Saturday and comes to end on Sunday at 4:00 PM.
A variety of vendors are set to be in attendance for a memorable weekend.
The Greencastle Fire Department will be out both Saturday and Sunday with the Fire Engine and the Smoke House. The Smoke House is a great learning tool for the children to know what to do in case of a fire in the home. Fun and Education all tied into one. PRA Chapter 34 (Popular Rotorcraft Association): These guys and gals will have their aircraft on display. Stop by and chat with them about these interesting gryocopters. PDM Aviation will offer paid Airplane Rides in the 172 Cessna. Experience the freedom of flight and view beautiful Putnam County from the air. Flights will be available both Saturday Sept 10 and Sunday Sept 11. New for 2022 BOBA TIME drinks. Check out their refreshing fun flavors on both Saturday and Sunday. Figgy's Follies Entertainment will be entertaining throughout both days. The Spanish Lady -T6 You will not want to miss seeing the beautiful airplane. You will even be able to purchase a ride in this plane. Available both Saturday and Sunday. New for 2022 is the Brown Lab Boutique. The Brown Lab is a women’s boutique based out of Cory, Indiana. They offer trendy clothes at reasonable prices - in sizes small through 3x. Geno's Kettle Corn Good Stuff! Come check out all the amazing flavors on both Saturday and Sunday!!! Samantha Trissel Cooper and the Abstract and Title team will have information, snacks/water, and for the kids, temporary tattoos. CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) will be joining for Saturday only. They will be making balloon animals and other fun stuff at their booth. Greencastle Lions Club will be joining on both days. Covered Bridge Harmony singing the National Anthem for open ceremonies at 9:00 am on Saturday. Covered Bridge Harmony is one of two Indiana chapters of Harmony, Inc, a not-for-profit international women’s barbershop organization whose mission statement is “to empower all women through education, friendship and a cappella singing in the barbershop style.” The chorus was chartered in 2003, and has women from Brazil, Cloverdale, Whiteland, Fishers and Greencastle who sing with the group. The chorus has sung the national anthem for a Colt’s game as well as with the Brazil Concert Band and Airport Appreciation Days. They have performed all over Putnam, Clay and Hendricks counties and are available to perform for nursing homes, festivals, clubs, etc. Greencastle Indiana Rotary will have stickers and other fun items for the kids of all ages, Be sure to stop by and talk to the about the cool things Rotary does for the community at home around the world. And Blondy's GIANT Tenderloins will be returning 2022 on Saturday September 10th only. You will not want to miss the best tasting tenderloin in Indiana. Big Bounce House Fun Rentals. Susan and her team will be out with games and inflatable activities for the kiddos both Saturday and Sunday.
This event is free and open to the public.