Much has been abuzz about the upcoming April 8 solar eclipse.
With timing being during the late afternoon, schools have changed schedules and planners are working to consider everything from traffic flow and emergency services. More exciting is seeing video of past eclipses at other locations by those like Julie Gray, Extension Area Director, who traveled to Kentucky in 2018 to be in the totality area of that particular solar eclipse who are now super jazzed that such an event is coming here to our area.
Want to learn more and be ready for this seldom in a lifetime event? The Putnam County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Purdue Extension Putnam County office has scheduled their joint annual meeting/dinner on Thursday, January 25 at the York Automotive Building located on the Putnam County Fairgrounds. Registration and doors open at 5:45 pm. Myers Market will cater the smoked chop/chicken dinner that begins at 6 pm with sides and pies, which by itself is a night of success. But wait there is more…
WTWO weather personality Mallory Jenkins will share a bit of science and unique facts about solar eclipses. She has authored papers on the subject and also has fun facts regarding these special events of nature. Julie Gray, Purdue Extension Area Director, has photos and her personal experience of traveling to the totality area of Kentucky back in August 2018 to open the presentation for Mallory Jenkins. Will the birds stop singing and go to bed? What will your pets think? Will the peepers in the spring ponds start singings as if it is night? Concluding the presentation, there will be a panel discussion opportunity for the audience to engage with our presenters and David Costin of the Putnam County Emergency Management will be on the panel to answer questions about how the county plans to handle the sudden influx of people.
Photo: Mallory Jenkins, WTWO TV Weather Personality, will highlight the Putnam SWCD and Purdue Extension Putnam County joint annual meeting discussing the upcoming April total solar eclipse.
Besides dinner, every person attending the event will be leaving with a set of solar eclipse glasses so each person will be prepared to view the eclipse event. This will be a spectacular event you will not want to miss. RSVP by calling the Purdue Extension Putnam County office at 653-8411 or the Putnam SWCD at 653-5716 extension 3. The cost is $5 payable at the door the evening of the event.
Visit our homepage at www.extension.purdue.edu/putnam or you can contact the local office by calling 765.653.8411 for more information regarding this week’s column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events. Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm. Evening and lunch appointments are available, upon request. It is always best to call first to assure items are ready when you arrive and to RSVP for programs. While many publications are free, some do have a fee. All times listed are Eastern Time. Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 9 – Running for Office, 6-8pm, Fairgrounds, register by Jan. 4 at
Jan. 15 – Extension Office closed MLK Holiday
Jan. 15 – Enrollment for 4-H Due https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in
Jan. 25 – Extension/SWCD Annual Dinner, 6 pm, Fairgrounds
Jan. 26 – Managing Your Cyber Ecosystem webinar, 12 Noon, register at https://bit.ly/WIAWebinars2024
Feb. 1, 8, & 15 – Keeping The Business In The Family: A Roadmap to Successful Succession, 9-11 AM, Russellville Community Center, $50 per person, Call
765-653-8411 to register
Feb. 22 – Ag Women Engage Conference, Fort Wayne, $100, register at https://purdue.link/AWE2024
Mallory Jenkins photo caption suggestion: