
Cloverdale gets update on stormwater project

After having to re-bid its stormwater project, the Cloverdale Town Council got another update this week on the project. 

Last month, town officials found out that bids for the project were over initial estimates. That news prompted town manager Jason Hartman to have to re-bid the process. At this week's meeting, council learned several new bidders had come forward. One was under the town's budget of $750 thousand and that from All American Express, who came in at $745 thousand. 

Should OCRA approve the process, Cloverdale should be able to award the bid in 30 days and construction can start this summer. 

Under the original scope, the project was going to cost close to $1 million with the city receiving a $600 thousand Community Development Block Grant from the Office of Community and Rural Affairs. The town's stormwater board was to make up the rest of the cost. 

The initial project called for relief and improvements across Cloverdale, including Stardust Hills and Doe Creek Drive. 

In Stardust Hills, the original scope called for the installation of 70 feet of 12-inch pipe, 80 feet of 18-inch pipe and 70 feet of 24-inch pipe as well as a rehab of the road and Stardust Way being resurfaced with ditch excavation work.

For Doe Creek, there was to have been 165 feet of 12-inch pipe, 325 feet of 15-inch pipe, ditch excavation work and road rehab. 

Under the new scope, Stardust Hills, the fire department area, South Doe Creek and the northeast portion of the business district are slated to receive upgrades and improvements. 

"We, obviously, picked out the items that could withstand more years as is and continued on with addressing the more urgent items," Cloverdale Town Council President Brandon Tancak told The Putnam County Post.