That is how Cloverdale Town officials summed up their feelings following the latest correspondence with CSX.
For months Cloverdale Town Council President Brandon Tancak and Town Manager Jason Hartman have appealed to CSX on several projects, including doing away with the notion that there is an active railway that goes through town despite there being missing parts of the railway. In addition, the town is working through what to do with Monon Avenue, which runs up against CSX property.
At Cloverdale's Town Council meeting this week, Tancak shared bad news with the council.
"We have been working with CSX and having meetings with CSX. My goal was to hear back from them by the end of March. We received correspondence from them a few days ago not willing to help Cloverdale in any fashion in what our goals and aspirations are for the existing railroad that runs from one end of town to the next. In conjunction, we know we are working with United on Monon Avenue and that was my rebuttal to them. I asked what about that project and a couple crossings here in town that are very rough for emergency vehicles and the public. Long story short, it is my opinion, they are giving us the runaround," Tancak said, adding the matter will continue.
Hartman echoed Tancak's sentiments, saying it was "disappointing."
"I think one thing that we can accomplish that would be very beneficial to all of Cloverdale would be to eliminate the three crossings we have in town. At the same time, Monon Avenue is very important and if we can reconstruct that because it is the worst street in town. It is disheartening, but not surprising. I think there are some other avenues we can potentially address and go through our legislators and get some help from our government officials. I am not opposed to looking at a consultant or lobbyist on our behalf to get this situation rectified," Hartman said.
Hartman said there has not been a train that has crossed in 34 years and there will not be another train crossing in the next 34 years.
"It is obvious CSX is not listening to the town of Cloverdale. It is just disappointing," Hartman said.
Tancak said it is no secret there are no trains coming to Cloverdale.
"We all know trains are not coming back to the town of Cloverdale. For one reason or another, it is not going to happen. Let's be honest with ourselves. It is just disappointing that is the communication we are getting from CSX at this point," he said.
As for what Tancak would like to see down with the railway in question, he said he would like to see a trail put in for biking, walking, running or even a side trail next to the railway that would connect the industrial section of town to downtown.
"I think it is something we truly need to keep our foot on the gas pedal," Tancak said.