
Greencastle City Council hears concern about school board appointment process

As one of the only appointed school boards in the state of Indiana, the Greencastle Community School Corporation is unique. 

However, one parent is not happy with how things currently are with the district, as Amber Mackey approached the Greencastle City Council about issues within the school district. 

Mackey said as a community, many are concerned with the school board process, district leadership and would like to seek an elected school board. 

"We have concerns that our teacher's voices are not being heard. Our professional teachers aren't being included in the decision process," Mackey said. 

Mackey said there are changes taking place throughout the school district when it comes to Individual Education Plans for students and that have a drastic negative impact on students and their ability to achieve academic success. . 

"Our own daughter, Olivia, has an IEP at TZ. I received an email from the school asking us to sign off on changes not based on our child's progress, but the district's desire to reduce services across the board. We had already had our case conference. Our daughter's teachers at that time had unanimously voiced concerns the services already in her IEP may not be enough. Just weeks later I received an email asking to cut her services almost in half and replace pull out services with push in services, which I can't imagine going well for a child whose IEP specifically relates to her susceptibility to distractions," Mackey said.

Mackey said she immediately began asking questions as to her child's situation.  

"We have recently started her on medication for ADHD in a tentative disorder. I had asked if they had seen drastic improvements in such a short time. I was informed that this had nothing to do with her teacher's level of concern for her, but the principal and assistant superintendent's desire to make changes to all IEPs. These people have never been involved in my daughter's education or any of her evaluations. I was mad at this point and I started digging and asking questions," she told the city council. 

Mackey continued stating that many teachers, staff and administrators have left the Greencastle school district in recent years. 

"We are hearing about those numbers swelling every day. Is it because of our school board? Our superintendent?," she asked, adding administration turnover in every building points to a bigger issue.

She said she has spoken to many in the community who seek an elected school board, as well as a new superintendent and the administration at Tzouanakis Elementary replaced.  

"I haven't heard one person, not one, come to their defense. And that right there speaks volumes as well, considering so many of our children literally cried when TZ's former administrators left," Mackey said. 

Councilwoman Stacey Langdon said the argument for an elected school board is one that has raged for two decades.

"We know it is an issue that is near and dear to many of our residents here. And, I don't know how the council feels, but, speaking for myself, I see your points and I see it's valid because most other school boards are elected," Langdon said. 

City attorney Lauri Hardwick told those in attendance the city of Greencastle has no jurisdiction over the school corporation, because it is made up of Greencastle Township, city jurisdiction and Madison Township. 

Hardwick said that the by-laws of the school corporation, which were written in 1964, spells out how the people are appointed to the school board. 

Councilman Vince Aguirre thanked Mackey for her concerns, stating it is one of his hopes to learn how each candidate for school board plans to dig deeper into issues. 

"As you said, people are leaving, people are concerned and it doesn't feel like people feel comfortable sharing why," Aguirre said. 

Councilman David Masten chimed in that if it was up to a vote of the city council, he believed it would be "pretty close to unanimity on moving away from appointed school board."