
Greencastle Schools solidifies Ag and JAG plans for upcoming school year

While initial decisions were made earlier this spring, the Greencastle Community School Corporation solidified plans for the upcoming school year when it comes to its agriculture and JAG programs. 

Earlier this year, Greencastle Community Schools officials announced the district was bringing back its agriculture program, which had been dormant for several decades. 

During its school board meeting last week, Superintendent Jeff Gibboney announced the district has hired Allyson Webster as the agriculture teacher at both Greencastle High School and Greencastle Middle School. 

"It is important to bring ag back. It's been an interest and a need. We had 10-12 high school students complete 10 years of 4-H or more and that shows there is an interest," Gibboney said. 

Gibboney said Webster will be shared between the two buildings and there is a desire to build up an FFA program and then move to where each school has its own agriculture teacher in the future. 

In addition, Gibboney touched on the Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) programs at both Greencastle High School and Greencastle Middle School. 

Carson Brown will oversee the program at the middle school, while Rachel Crosby has been tagged as the high school's director.

Greencastle was the first district in the state to implement a middle school program. 

"I'm really excited to help more of our students succeed," Gibboney said.