Did you know that moles have twice as much blood and red hemoglobin as other mammals of the same size? I am sure that this subject is not exactly discussed during conversations with friends around the table while drinking morning coffee, but they are interesting concepts that should be considered.
The large number of red blood cells allows moles to breath better in an underground environment that contains low oxygen and high levels of carbon monoxide. This is nothing less than a miracle of nature!
One might think that going into the winter season there would be less of a problem with moles, however, that is not the case. Moles can stay active twelve months out of the year.
Breeding starts in February with young being born in March and April yielding three to five young called “pups.” During breeding season, several moles can inhabit a relatively small area; otherwise, they are very territorial and not very social. In fact, there may not be more than 3 to 5 moles per acre of ground most of the year and they will vigorously defend their area.
One mole can travel up to 100 feet per day collecting their food supply. About 90% of a mole’s diet is earthworms leaving about 5% of its diet grubs and another 5% of the diet other insects.
The best plan is to take action against moles in one’s yard by trapping or using baits to eliminate the pest. Research shows that pinwheels and ultra sonic devices are ineffective.
If you need help, feel free to call for a consultation and evaluation of your problem. Don’t let moles ruin your yard and landscaping causing damage that may "trip" you up.