
What Happens to Insects in the Winter?


That’s a good question. In fact, it’s a question that probably is not thought about much, but the answer is quite interesting. 

Insects are much like humans in some respects. When it gets cold, we as humans tend to snuggle in and get warm. Insects like the boxelder bug, marmorated stink bug, and Asian lady beetle do the same by finding ways into our homes through soffits and cracks and crevices. 

Many humans travel south to avoid the harsh winter months. And Monarch Butterflies do the same making a long and tough trip to Mexico leaving their egg cases here to develop in Spring.

Honey bees cluster in the hive around the queen and brood to keep her warm. As the bees consume honey, they shiver to raise their body temperature, then the outer layer of bees pushes their way toward the center of the cluster and those in the center move to the outer layer. That is truly a good strategy for sure.

But what about those insects that don’t make it to warm areas? If all insects died during cold weather, they would die out and not be able to continue survival of the species; but nature has a plan. One method is called glycerol, or “antifreeze,“ that develops in the insect slowly as the temperatures lower in the Fall of the year. Glycerol does not allow ice crystals to develop in the insect. 

Another stratagem is called “diapause” in which some insects go into a type of state of suspended animation after they find a protected place to rest. Their bodily functions slow down until warm weather comes again. 

Folks you just can’t beat Natures ability for the survival of insect species.

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