
Common Council approves interlocal fuel agreement with Shelby County


The City of Shelbyville will turn to Shelby County to become its vehicle fleet’s fuel provider.

On Monday at the City of Shelbyville Common Council meeting at City Hall, an Interlocal Fuel-Sharing Agreement was unanimously approved.

Shelby County’s newly-created Michigan Road facility includes a fueling facility that will allow the county to purchase fuel at a wholesale rate.

The fueling facility will then charge the city vehicles five cents per gallon over the actual cost of the fuel. The city currently purchases fuel through the Shelby County Co-Op on East State Road 44.

“In discussions with the county highway department, the commissioners and the recycling district, we decided that it would be more efficient if we became a wholesale customer of the county,” said Shelbyville Mayor Tom DeBaun. “So when they were doing the project out on Michigan Road, they built a fueling facility. All the city vehicles will now be able to fuel as customers at the county location.

“The county will be buying the fuel in bulk and we will be buying the fuel from the county. We think this will be a cheaper alternative for the city than the current alternative that we have.”

The agreement becomes effective on Dec. 1 and runs for 10 years unless terminated earlier.

The interlocal agreement must be approved by the Shelby County Commissioners, the Shelby County Council, the City of Shelbyville Common Council and the city’s Board of Public Works and Safety.

In other council business Monday:

Approved an Interlocal Recyclable Materials Agreement with the Shelby County Recycling District to take the city’s collected recyclable waste to the Shelby County Transfer Station, 1304 N. Michigan Road in Shelbyville Approved the 2024 contracts with the Shelbyville Police Department and the Shelbyville Fire Department.

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