
Shelby County Special Olympics teams excel at Petrie Memorial Tournament

The annual Arnie Petrie Memorial Special Olympics Basketball Tournament was held March 1 at Shelbyville High School, with 80 teams participating in five-on-five and three-on-three formats.

“I have played in many of these tournaments,” said Calvin Hanna (photo, right), a veteran participant who gained experience playing in Boys and Girls Club high school leagues and later with Shelby County Magic contingents that won multiple Special Olympics Indiana state championships. “I enjoy playing with people who are also my friends. I have a lot of experience.”

Hanna played in the Level Two five-on-five competition category for the Wizards team that registered consecutive victories over Wayne County and Posey County squads. 

The Shelby County Lightning lost two games in Level Three five-on-five to the Hamilton Bulldogs and the Jackson County Tornados while the local Cardinals team posted wins over the Posey County Magicians and the ROD Mustangs in Level Four play.

The Shelby County Mets won a pair of contests over the Hendricks Hoopsters in three-on-three action and the Shelby County Starz rounded out competition for area teams by twice defeating the Hamilton Cyclones.

First place skills competitions winners were Eric Harvey, Josh Gorman, and Mike Sparrow. Ryan Storm, Beth Myring, Richard McCandless, Bre Cox and Kim Webster recorded second place finishes.

Special Olympics “provides sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities that fosters inclusion, acceptance, and joy. (Special Olympics Mission Statement).”

Players prepare for the tournament with two-hour Wednesday practices in the SHS auxiliary gymnasium during January and February.

“We truly appreciate Shelbyville High School and the use of these great facilities,” stated Shelby County Special Olympics coordinator Abby Shuck (photo). “We receive tremendous cooperation from the school, our families and other groups as well.”

Special Olympics board member Michelle Karmire echoes those sentiments.

“Shelbyville High School National Honor Society members award medals, pass out water and assist with souvenir sales,” said Karmire.

“The Psi Iota Xi local sorority assists with concessions and with selling merchandise and the Shelbyville Boys Basketball team helps with officiating each year,” added Karmire. “It takes a lot of people, but we have great support.”


Shelbyville High School boys basketball players Mar Nicholson, left, and Brody Runnebohm worked the tournament as referees.


Karmire and Shuck serve on the board with Dan Sizemore, Tammy Dahl, Angela Harvey Christy Mehl, Joe Pugh and athlete members Jacob Barrett and Shane Roell.

The 21st annual event is named in honor of Arnie Petrie who served as the recreation director and later a program development specialist at Shares, Incorporated. She devoted considerable time and effort into promoting and implementing programs for Special Olympics beginning in the 1980s.

Petrie eventually became the program’s county coordinator and later coached during the Special Olympics World Games in Ireland in 2002. She died in 2003 at the age of 44.

“This is a very inspiring day for all of us every year,” said Karmire. “There is a true sense of satisfaction that the event does something meaningful.”

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