
Shelbyville VA Clinic moving to larger facility


The VA Community Clinic in Shelbyville, Indiana is moving to a larger building. Beginning September 18, patients will start seeing their health care team at 2158 Intelliplex Drive, Suite 200. The new space expands the clinic area to 8,000 square feet, which is about 2,000 more than the previous location. Two additional exam rooms are being added, bringing the total to 13.

The leased clinic space will help the VA expand services as more Veterans seek health care. Services offered are primary care, optometry, physical therapy and mental health.

“We are excited about this new facility, giving our Veterans and their care teams more space,” said clinic manager Amanda Davis.

Veterans with appointments on the start date and after are being notified directly about the new location. Veterans who have questions should contact the Patient Response Center at (317) 988-1227.

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